Sentrycs Fixed Kit
All Sentrycs kits include off-the-shelf hardware and proprietary software. The Sentrycs Fixed Kit is designed to permanently protect the sky above static perimeters, in any environment.
No matter the altitude or how vast your site is, Sentrycs Fixed Kit solution provides the protection you need against non-authorized commercial drones while allowing authorized drones to perform their usual tasks. It can easily be installed on walls or on polls.
A one-sensor solution is comprised of the following main components:
The Brain Unit
The Smart Antenna
The Server
Integrated GPS
The Sentrycs user interface allows users to define one or multiple no-fly zones above a geographical area. Once set up, its autonomous DTI (Detect, Track, Identify) capabilities alert the relevant stakeholders in real-time about drones approaching the no-fly zone(s); and provide them with an accurate picture of what’s happening in the sky, with no false alarms. If enabled, it can also securely take over the communication between the remote control, bring the drone to a safe altitude, and land it on a predefined landing zone.

Sentrycs mission includes several steps which follow a clear workflow: